PRESS-RELEASE. The Annual Gazprom Space Systems Shareholders Meeting took place
On the 29th of June shareholders of Gazprom Space Systems gathered at their annual meeting, which approved the company's annual report and financial statements of the year 2008. Adopted were also the Board of Directors and the company's Internal Audit Commission.
The results achieved by the company in 2008 show its soundness and dynamic development:
- the revenue, earned by Gazprom Space Systems in 2008 from satellite operator activity (the delivery of satellite capacity and telecommunication services), amounted to 75.0 mln $ that is 18% higher against the year 2007;
- the revenue, earned by the company in 2008 from communication networks build up, amounted to 8.7 mln $, that is 32% higher against the year 2007;
- in 2008 the credit, borrowed for the construction of the Yamal-200 satellites, was fully paid back (4,5 years after the satellites were put into operation);
- the customer base of Gazprom Space Systems exceeded 200 companies;
- 8 new TV channels started broadcasting via Yamal satellites;
- at the end of 2008 about 5 300 central and the users' receive/transmit earth stations operated via Yamal satellites, that is about 15% of the total number of the earth stations in the Russian Federation;
- the company strengthened its positions on the world market: the quarter of its income the company gets from foreign customers, and the Yamal satellites' capacity is used for providing services in 50 countries of the world;
- at the end of 2008 The World Teleport Association announced Gazprom Space Systems as the Corporate Teleport Operator of the Year;
- for the benefit of Gazprom Group 52 satellite communication stations were deployed, the videoconferencing system of Gazprom was added with mobile stations;
- within the framework of the project for the development of the information and education network the Russian Gymnasium Union by the order of Education Support Fund were deployed 141 earth stations;
- following the state contract the company constructed and commissioned the regional TV network of Tula region;
- research, development and technological works were conducted for the benefit of Gazprom Group and other customers.
Gazprom Space Systems (before December, 1, 2008 – Gascom) is the subsidiary of Gazprom. The company has created and operates the satellite communication and broadcasting system of Gazprom based on the Yamal-100, Yamal-201 and Yamal-202 satellites, the satellite communications stations network and the satellite digital TV broadcasting system. The main business directions of the company are creation of space systems of different application, delivery of satellite capacity and telecommunications services and integration of satellite telecommunications systems. Over 90 Russian central and regional channels as well as foreign channels are broadcast via Yamal satellites.
Within the framework of the Russian Federal SpaceProgram for the years 2006-2015 years the company is implementing three projects: the development of Yamal communication satellites constellation, the development of low-orbital remote sensing satellite system SMOTR, and the development of satellite mobile communication and broadcast system PolarStar.
In 2008 the Board of Directors of Gazprom Space Systems approved the prospective development plan of space business till 2015, which provides the construction of 8 new Yamal satellites and a new teleport in Moscow region.