PRESS RELEASE. Yamal Communication Satellites Constellation Development
Gazprom Space Systems is a Russian satellite operator, it operates the constellation of the three satellites: Yamal-100, Yamal-201 and Yamal-202. At present the satellites capacity is fully used by the customers. Therefore the enlargement of the Yamal constellation is needed.
To develop Yamal communication satellites constellation Gazprom announced an open tender for the right to enter into a turnkey agreement for delivery of two Yamal-400 communication satellites for Gazprom Space Systems needs. The following manufacturers took part in the tender: JSC Information Satellite Systems (ISS) – Reshetnev Company, Thales Alenia Space, and EADS Astrium Satellite.
Gazprom Tender Committee recognized Thales Alenia Space France as the winner of the tender. The important criterion of such a choice was the supplier guarantee to provide for investment crediting of the project on the world financial market on beneficial terms. This will allow to attract foreign investments to the Russian orbital constellation development. The satellites will be built on the base of the serial Spacebus-4000 bus and will have the guaranteed 15-year lifetime. The satellites launch is scheduled for 2011.
Besides, using their own funds Gazprom Space Systems places the order at the Russian manufacturer ISS – Reshetnev Company to produce Yamal-300К satellite based on a new medium-sized Express-1000 bus. Yamal-300К shall be launched in 2010.
According to the contract with the Russian Rocket and Space Corporation Energia the middle-size satellites Yamal-301 and Yamal-302 were to be placed into orbit in 2008. But, in spite of the fact that Gazprom Space Systems paid for the contract works and the satellites payload equipment was delivered in time, RSC Energia did not launch Yamal-300 satellites in 2008 and does not plan their launch in 2009.
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