CommunicAsia 2015: Gazprom Space Systems expands its international business
During June 2-5 the regular annual telecommunication and information technologies forum CommunicAsia 2015, the largest in the Asian region, was held in Singapore.
Representatives of more than 1’000 companies from all over the world gathered to present and discuss the latest trends and achievements of this industry. More than 48’000 people, including top managers, exhibitors, speakers and visitors from 101 countries participated in the exhibition and conference.
Among the participants of the event there were satellite operators, teleports and satellite telecommunication services providers running and developing their business in the South-East Asia, Australia and Pacific Islands.
Fifteen global and regional satellite operators offered there the capacity of about three dozen of satellites.
Gazprom Space Systems company, headed by Dmitry Sevastiyanov, Director General, promoted primarily the capacity of Yamal-300K satellite recently relocated to the 183E (177W) orbital position.
The wide fixed Ku-band beam covering the Far East, Pacific Ocean and the part of the North America is optimal to organize communications onboard of ships and aircrafts. As a confirmation, the first customer providing such services starts its operation on the satellite and one of the American teleports has already pointed its nine meters antenna to Yamal-300K to uplink the signals of the customer.
Powerful Steerable beam of Yamal-300K was not passed over also, now potential customers define its best location.
The other Gazprom Space Systems satellites also continue their operation on the Asian market: Yamal-202 satellite at the 49E orbital position well known with its semiglobal service zone allowing to connect Europe and South-East Asia and also Yamal-402 satellite at the 55E orbital position, which steerable beam can be used in this region too.
On the results of working at the show, Gazprom Space Systems shall significantly increase sales of their satellites capacity on the international market.