Relocation of Yamal-300К into new orbital position

On April 15 the campaign started the relocation of Yamal-300К satellite from the orbital position 90oE to the slot 183oE.

On April 15 the campaign started the relocation of Yamal-300К satellite from the orbital position 90oE to the slot 183oE.

The electric thruster of the spacecraft was commanded on, and the satellite began movement along the GEO to the East. The speed of drift will make about three degrees per day. Yamal-300К will arrive to the designated position approximately in six weeks, and by the end of May it will be ready for commercial operations in this new orbital location.

During the relocation and the subsequent operations in the new position the satellite will be controlled from the Mission Control Center in Shchelkovo assisted by the Eastern Control Center in Skvortsovo (near Khabarovsk). For interchange of telemetry, command and ranging data these sites are connected by fiber optic lines and satellite links via Yamal-401 sаtellite.
