About Company
Joint Stock Company Gazprom Space Systems – a daughter company of Gazprom, carries out space activities in the development and operation of telecommunication and geo-information systems for the companies of Gazprom Group and other customers.
Gazprom Space Systems has created, and now operates and develops Yamal satellite communication and broadcasting system as well as designs aerospace monitoring system SMOTR, provides telecommunication and geo-information services.

Yamal - Edge of the Earth
Yamal – the name of Gazprom Space Systems` satellites.
What means Yamal? Yamal is the peninsula, located on the northwest Siberia, Russia, and bordered principally by the Arctic Ocean.
In the language of its indigenous inhabitants, the Nenets, Yamal means Edge of the Earth.
Yamal holds Russia's biggest natural gas reserves. For Gazprom Group Yamal is associated with promising business development.